$to :
DKIMmail class
// init
$mail = new DKIMmail('/www/inc/config/jv-conseil/dkim-php-mail-signature/config.inc.php') ;
// parameters
$mail->from = "Sender" <sender@yourdomain.com> ;
$mail->to = "Recipient" <recipient@yourdomain.com> ;
$mail->subject = "Your Mail Subject" ;
$mail->body = "Your Mail Message." ;
$mail->attach("/path/to/your/attachment.jpg", "NameOfYourAttachment.jpg") ;
// send!
$mail->send() ;
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<?php /** * Class example with config file accessed through a class. * * To test this example enter in Terminal this command line: * ``` * php ~/dkim-php-mail-signature/examples/ClassMethod.php * ``` * * @author JV conseil — Internet Consulting <contact@jv-conseil.net> * @see http://www.jv-conseil.net * @see https://github.com/JV-conseil-Internet-Consulting/dkim-php-mail-signature * @see https://packagist.org/packages/jv-conseil/dkim-php-mail-signature * @license EUPL-1.2 license, Copyright (c) 2019-2023 JV conseil – Internet Consulting, All rights reserved. * @version v1.2.5 */ /** Call Composer Package JVconseil\DkimPhpMailSignature */ require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php' ; // Autoload files using Composer autoload use JVconseil\DkimPhpMailSignature\DKIMmail ; $mail = new DKIMmail(__DIR__ . '/../config/config.sample.inc.php') ; // YOUR E-MAIL $mail->to = '"Recipient" <recipient@' . $config->domain . '>' ; $mail->from = '"Sender" <sender@' . $mail->config->domain . '>' ; $mail->subject = 'DKIM e-mail test for domain ' . $mail->config->domain ; $mail->body = '<html> <header></header> <body> <p>Hello,</p> <p>This a <b>DKIM</b> e-mail test with an attachment.</p> <p>Cheers,<br>' . htmlspecialchars($mail->from) . '</p> </body> </html>'; $mail->attach(__DIR__ . '/SendMail.attachment.sample.pdf', 'SendMail.attachment.sample.pdf') ; try { if ($mail->send() == true) { // header('Content-Type: text/plain') ; echo $mail->signed_headers . $mail->headers . "\r\n" ; echo 'To: ' . $mail->to . "\r\n" ; echo 'Subject: ' . $mail->subject . "\r\n" ; echo $mail->body . "\r\n" ; } } catch (Exception $e) { die('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\r\n") ; }